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Darren Lesinski - 3rd Ward

A proud lifelong Rahway resident, Darren J. Lesinski has been married for 35 years and has raised two children in the city he loves. Together with his wife, Darren is now enjoying the joys of grandparenthood with their two-year-old grandson and the addition of a son-in-law to their family.

Darren's commitment to the City of Rahway started early, serving as President of the Rahway High School Class of 1978. This early involvement sparked a lifelong passion for community service. Over the years, Darren has remained a dedicated citizen, contributing to the community through his involvement in various local organizations, including the Rahway Church League, Sideliners, PAL Board of Directors (2007-2013), PAL Fallball Director (2004-2009), PAL Tournament Director (2004-2012), Lightning Wheels Benefit Tournament Director, and the Rahway Knights of Columbus 1146.

Darren takes great pride in his service on the Rahway Board of Education from 2016 to 2019 and continues his public service as the Governors appointee to the Rahway Housing Authority as Commissioner, a role he has held since 2010. His commitment to public service is matched by his dedication to his professional career, where he is an active member of several professional societies in the petroleum industry.

Darren J. Lesinski is running for the 3rd Ward to continue his lifelong service to the City of Rahway. His deep roots in the community, extensive experience in public service, and professional expertise make him a candidate committed to the well-being and future of Rahway.

Contact: Darren by email

Ward 3